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    1. 關(guān)于云天

      Automotive Mould E-catalogue

      首頁(yè)?>>? 關(guān)于云天?>>? 零配件供應商

      LKM 2083HAISI 420 / DIN 1.2083預硬至 HB 280 - 310碳(0.43) 鉻(13.0) 錳(0.3) 鉬(適量)
      LKM 2311AISI P20 / DIN 1.2311預硬至 HB 280 - 325碳(0.37) 鉻(1.9) 錳(1.45) 鉬(0.2)
      LKM 2312AISI P20+S / DIN 1.2312預硬至 HB 280 - 325碳(0.37) 鉻(1.9) 錳(1.45) 鉬(0.2)
      LKM 2316ASUS 420 J2退火至 HB 230(最高)碳(0.4) 鉻(16.0) 鎳(適量) 錳(0.5) 鉬(1.0)
      LKM 2316 ESRJIS SUS 420 J2/DIN 1.2316預硬至 HB 265 - 310碳(0.4) 鉻(16.0) 鎳(適量) 錳(0.5) 鉬(1.2)
      ASSAB 618, 618 HH

      Lung Kee Group, being one of the four largest mould base manufacturers in the world, has been ranked No.1 in its mould base sales quantity in Asia for years. 

      YUDO, a Hot Runner System supplier, was founded in 1980 by Francis Yu. Since then, we have focused on the quality of the systems and the customers' satisfactions. Our company is the leading manufacturer and distributor among Asia countries and the 4th largest company in the world's Hot Runner markets. 

      PUNCH Industry (Dalian) Co., Ltd., an enterprise solely owned by Japan PUNCH Industry Co., Ltd. in the Dalian Development Zone of China, is China's largest manufacturer of mold standard parts for applications in plastic molding, punch dies, automotive molds, semi-conductor packaging molds, die-cast and other precision jigs and fixtures. 

      HASCO – our partner for intelligent hot runner solutions competent - fast - reliable - worldwide Unlike with a conventional tool, rigidifying runners are avoided in the processing of thermoplastics by using hot runner tools.
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